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Brake Pad Warning Signs

brakepadsA car that won’t start is a major inconvenience; a car that won’t stop is a death machine. It’s important to maintain the health of your brake system for the safety of you and those around you. There are some warning signs to look out for that will alert you when your brake pads need to be looked at. Here’s a basic overview:


High-pitched squealing noise:

All modern brake systems contain a metal plate, called an indicator, which emits a high-pitched squealing noise when the brake pads are worn. This sound can be heard even when the windows are closed. If you tend to blast music the entirety of your car ride, make a note to turn it down a couple minutes every once in a while; listening to your car run can be a great way to assess its health.

Harsh grinding sound:

This is what happens when you ignore your indicator for too long; at this point your brake pads have completely worn off. Once you hear this sound, cease regular driving immediately and take your car into the shop.

Steering wheel pulls to one side:

This can have a few potential causes; two of which are unevenly worn brake pads and something foreign in your braking fluid. Your local auto-shop will be able to identify what needs to be repaired/replaced.

Excessive brake dust:

As your brake pads wear down, shavings of black, grimy dust make their way onto your wheel. If you see this build up quickly over a short period of time, then your brake pads are wearing out fast.

Any of these signs are a good indication that you need to take your vehicle in for inspection. Here at LA NTX Transmissions, we offer brake repair alongside a host of other auto-related services. For more information, please give us a call at (310) 672-8131.

Why You Should Get Regular Oil Changes

car-33633_150Regular oil changes are necessary for the upkeep of your vehicle’s engine. Generally, the rule of thumb is to take your car in for a change every 3,000 miles. Here’s how oil changes help keep your ride running smoothly:

To keep the engine lubricated:

Big chains of hydrocarbons in the oil alleviate friction between the pistons and piston walls. This friction would otherwise destroy the engine. Over time, the friction breaks down these chains, and the oil needs replacing.

To stop contaminants from building up:

Over time, contaminants from the air and within the vehicle’s engine begin to build up in the oil. When they begin to coagulate, they start to stick to motor parts and cause damage to the engine. These contaminants are drained out during every oil change.

To have the oil filter changed:

Regarding contaminants, the oil filter’s job is to keep these out. However, once these contaminants have accrued within the oil filter, it becomes less effective. These filters are generally replaced during every oil change.

To keep necessary oil levels:

Checking your car’s oil level is easy; it should be done on a monthly basis. If the oil level falls below its minimum limit, serious damage to the engine will follow. Regular oil changes virtually ensure that this will never happen.


Here at LA NTX Transmissions, we’re happy to answer any auto-related questions you might have to help keep your vehicle in peak condition. For more information, give us a call at (310) 672-8131.

Here to Save You Money

vehicle-293380_640-300x225The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. They could be tight on money due to Christmas expenses, and the last thing they want to think of is putting money and time into their car for service work. L.A NTX Transmissions is here to provide their clients with quality automotive services offered at a fair price. Take advantage of our free diagnostic service so you can quickly identify the issue without wasting your time.

We are a team of qualified automotive service mechanics who are dedicated to the life of your car. When you need a certified mechanic to repair your transmission, brake system, your clutch system and much more, our automotive shop is here for you. We offer free towing service to clients within a 10 mile range of our shop. Give L.A NTX Transmissions a call today for more information on our services. We are her to save you time and money!

How Can I Increase My Miles Per Gallon?

Fuel Efficiency Tips

fuel-2741_640-300x210With gas prices well over the $3 mark, every vehicle owner is striving to become as fuel efficient as possible. If you have wondered how you can increase your miles per gallon when driving, check out our fuel efficiency tips. By following these easy guidelines you can save yourself from spending more than you need to at the pump.

Leave racing for the track

sign-44348_640-240x300Stomping on your accelerator can cost you greatly in fuel efficiency. It has been calculated that for every 5 miles you go over 60 mph you are losing the equivalent of an extra $.20 a gallon. And when you brake excessively and accelerate rapidly you will make this situation even worse. Save racing for the track. Instead, when you are going places accelerate gently and slowly. Choose a speed that is safe, but consistent.

Shed the excess

Although bike racks, storage containers and luggage holders are often designed for the roof of your car, avoid putting large items on your roof if at all possible. Look for luggage and bike racks that are created for the back of your vehicle instead. The drag caused by items on your roof will cost you greatly in gas mileage.

Air Up

valve-cap-58721_640-300x225Under inflated tires can reduce your gas mileage by up to 25%! Check your tire pressure and ensure it is at the recommended level. Properly inflated tires will save you money at the pump. However, over inflated tires will not get better gas mileage. Fill them only to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Tender Loving Care

Your vehicle deserves some TLC. Taking care of routine maintenance will not only improve the longevity of your car, it will also provide better gas mileage. Even a dirty air filter can reduce your gas mileage by up to 20%! Take your car in for a tune-up if it hasn’t been serviced recently.

By paying attention to these quick tips, you can increase your vehicle’s miles per gallon and save yourself on gas money. 

Signs of Alternator Issues

The alternator plays a key role in the operation of a vehicle. It turns on a vehicle and keeps it running. An alternator also powers the electric system and charges the battery of a vehicle when the engine is running. So what are the signs of alternator issues for your vehicle?

Signs of Alternator Issues

  •  Whining noises
  • Growling noises
  • Smell of hot wires
  • Smell of burning rubber
  • Dim lights
  • Radio turning off
  • Lights flickering
  • The warning light of a battery, ALT or GEN is engaged on the dashboard.

Dead Battery

A dead battery can be a sign of an alternator issue. A battery will work harder and pick up the slack when there’s an alternator issue. Eventually the battery will lose it’s electricity and die. You can check if the issue is with the battery or the alternator by doing a test when you jump start a car. After you jump start a car, immediately take the jumper cables off of the battery. If the car dies, the issue is with the alternator. If the car keeps running, the issue is with battery.

How Brake Fluid Works

Brake fluid is one of the most vital components for your vehicle’s braking system and safety.

When you press on your brake, it causes your brake calipers to compress and squeeze on your brake rotors,which slows down your vehicle. Your brake is connected to brake lines that control the braking of all four wheels. Your brakes rely on the brake lines to control the brake pads on all four wheels with just one action. The brakes line are filled with brake fluid.

Brake fluid reduces the friction and heating of the brake lines, when they’re relaying the energy of the braking pressure on your brakes to slow down or stop your vehicle. Brake fluid is ideal for this use, because of its non-compressible properties. It’s hard to overheat, boil or evaporate brake fluid.Hydraulic_disc_brake_diagram-300x290

When brake fluid is old, worn down and overheats, it can cause your brakes to not work properly. Overheated brake fluid causes air to get into your braking system. Air in the braking system causes your brakes to feel and be unresponsive. If your having trouble with your brakes and they feel unresponsive, have a mechanic look at them and see if they need new brake fluid or repairs.

Signs of Transmission Trouble

Signs of Transmission Trouble

Transmission are an extremely vital part of your vehicle. Transmissions control your gear shifts and speed variations. They also control your vehicle’s torque. It is exceedingly important that you maintain the health of your transmission and keep it running well. Here are some sign that will you if your transmission is having an problems or trouble.

Doesn’t Go Into Gear

Refusing to go into gear is a common sign of transmission problems for a manual car. A transmission that doesn’t move when you push down on the clutch and try to shift into gear is a clear sign of a transmission problem. Low transmission fluid could be the issue that’s causing the problem. If  there is a burning smell when you drive it’s most likely because your transmission is over heating.

No Response

Transmissions are designed to go into gear correctly every time you shifts gears. If there is a lack of or no response when shifting gears, there is definitely an issue with your transmission. A transmission problem for a manual car is having its engine rev up after a shift, but the car won’t be moving as quickly as the engine. An automatic car will experience problems with shifting from park to drive and will have a lack of response if there’s a transmission problem.

Other Signs of Transmission Trouble

  • Whining Noises
  • Clunking Noises
  • Humming Noises
  • Grinding or Shaking
  • Leaking Fluids
  • An Engaged Check Engine Light
  • Dragging Clutch
  • Slipping Gears

If you’re experiencing any of the signs of transmission trouble in Inglewood, CA,  call NTX Auto & Transmission. We are transmission experts that will have your transmission running again quickly and affordably.


Fight Against Engine Overheating

As temperatures continue to climb this summer to record highs across the country, drivers have to be extra vigilant in the fight against ENGINE OVERHEATING. There are many contributing factors to engine overheating such as:

  • A malfunctioning radiator
  • Damaged hoses
  • Faulty water pump
  • Unseen evaporation of engine coolant or water
  • Sensors
  • Several days of consecutive 100-degree weather

Luckily, many drivers learn these issues can be overcome without having to deal with a heavy repair bill… especially when compared to the cost of repairing or replacing an engine due to catastrophic failure.  Something as straight forward as checking the level of coolant in your vehicle can make a big difference – and it’s something that can easily be done in your own driveway!

Contact L.A. NTX Transmissions today for all of your Inglewood transmission repair needs!

115 E. Arbor Vitae St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Phone: (310) 672-8131

It’s Time for a Summer Tune-Up!

tune-up-300x276Summer is right around the corner which means there’s no better time to take your car into L.A. NTX Transmissions to get an auto tune-up on your car or truck in Inglewood. The frequent traveling and hot temperatures during the summer months can put some added stress on your vehicle so it’s best to have it tuned up to prevent any potential problems further down the road.

Not only are tune-ups recommended as part of your vehicle’s preventative maintenance, but they are also great for improving your vehicle’s fuel economy. When you bring your car into our shop, we will make sure all the components are in good, working condition and make necessary replacements. Our tune-up service usually includes replacing the following components:

  • PCV valve
  • Fuel filter
  • Spark plugs and wires
  • Air filter

We also provide oil changes, which are vital for a healthy transmission, and can clean your fuel injection system. The older your car or truck is, the more necessary it becomes to replace these parts in order to maintain the performance of your vehicle and to keep extend the life of the vehicle. We service most makes in models in Inglewood and surrounding areas. Bring your car by or call (310) 672-8131 for more information about our services and pricing.  

Checking your Tire Pressure

Tire pressure is an important aspect of your car that should be checked regularly—about once a month or any time your tire pressure indicator light comes on. Not having your tires properly inflated can damage your tires. Under inflation causes greater wear on the shoulders of the tires and over inflation causes greater wear on the center of the tire.

To check the air pressure of your tires, the first thing you will need is a pressure gauge. These inexpensive instruments can be found at most stores and gas stations. However, it is very important that you use a gauge that is working properly so that you don’t add more air than your tires need.

Tire PSIBefore checking the tire pressure, you have to know how much air your tires need. To find out the specific PSI for your vehicle, check the doorjamb on the driver’s side. There should be a sticker that denotes the correct air pressure for your front and back tires.

Once you know the correct PSI, the rest is simple. Unscrew the valve caps and firmly press the gauge to the valve, making sure no air is coming out. Once you have your reading, proceed to put the caps back on or inflate the tire if needed.

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