Road Trip Checklist

road trip checklist

We all love a good road trip every now and then. But what some people fail to realize is that there are some things that should be done before hitting the road. Below, you’ll find a list of things to do to ensure that you and your car remain safe while on the road.

  1. Brake check: A very important part of your vehicle. The last thing you want to have to worry about is not being able to stop your car once you get rolling. Make sure you have plenty of brake fluid and listen out for any grinding noises.
  2. Check fluids: Fluids are the bloodline of your vehicle. Without them, your car could be headed for some major internal damage. Oil is need to lubricate the engine, the temperature is controlled by the antifreeze, and your washer fluid allows you to maintain clear visibility. These are just a few of the several other fluids that should be topped off.
  3. Check tires: Tires are one of the most common issues on a long road trip. You can potentially avoid having to call road side assistance if you check the tire pressure prior to your trip and always be sure to have a spare and jack.
  4. Check up and repairs: Just like you need to have your regular check ups with your doctor, it’s also necessary for your vehicle…with a mechanic of course! This way any necessary tune ups or repairs can be addressed and taken care of.

Once you have gone down the list and received the thumbs up from one our trusted mechanics, then you should be all good to go. Call L.A. NTX Transmissions to set up an appointment before heading out. Contact us online or dial 310 672-8131.