How does a Clutch Work?
The clutch is a device in motor vehicles that disengages and engages the power transmission. It is a highly important part of the system that controls the movement between both the shaft connected to the engine and those that apply to the wheels of the vehicle. While those with automatic transmission vehicles will not be as familiar with the clutch, you do in fact have one it just works in a different way compared to those that have a manual. Whereas the clutch is automated in an automatic transmission, those with manual transmission automobiles have hands-on experience with how the transmission works. For those with automatic transmission vehicles, clutch breaks and clutches were another pedal on the driver’s side and a more complex gear shifter respectively. The purpose of the former was to help the gear meshing.
When the clutch is pressed, the transmission is disengaged for a short time and a shift can happen during the span of separation. In an automatic system, the speed of the car gained at a gradual rate whereas in a manual there needed to be a system in which the gears were changed and the system could be directed to some degree. If you have an older car that needs clutch maintenance, we can help. When you need clutch repair or clutch replacement, why not rely on L.A. NTX Transmissions in Inglewood, CA. Call __PHONE__ today to schedule your appointment.
How do I Know if my clutch is Worn out?
As is the case with many parts in cars, many parts can be measured more so in miles or kilometers than in time. While parts in your vehicle do indeed age, they won’t necessarily be as bothered by it as much as they will be when the vehicle is moving. When it comes to the clutch, the general agreement is you will start seeing issues with it at 60,000 miles or 96,560 kilometers. At that point, clutch repair and possibly clutch replacement will be necessary.
With that in mind, drivers legitimately feel when a clutch is damaged, goes bad, or becomes too old to do the job. In some cases, clutch failure is rather common especially with drivers that are not necessarily sure that they are causing clutch burn. Clutch burn tends to happen when a person puts undue friction on it through riding the clutch pedal. The symptoms therefore for a bad clutch include:
- Harder to shift gears
- Inadequate acceleration
- Clutch pedal sticks or is slower than usual
- Pedal makes a grumbling or squeaks
The process involved in repairing such a problem requires taking apart the engine to some extent and getting to the exact part that is the clutch. Clutch repair and replacement is a part that is necessary for both automatic and manual to keep it running effectively.
What is bad for Your Clutch?
A clutch tends to get much of the wear and tear it receives from user action rather than movement. One prime culprit that brings in those looking for clutch repair is those that regularly leave the clutch pedal half depressed, generally to hold your car steady when on a hill. When you are driving and rest your foot on the clutch pedal, partly compressing it, that is referred to as riding the clutch and can also have a negative effect on your clutch. While it may take more strain off your engine, it puts far more force and strain on the friction disk and the flywheel under the hood. In the case of keeping your car steady on a hill, consider using a break or even better the emergency brake so that you can remain still and also don’t need to put any strain on the clutch other than what is necessary. Other problems like slippage or vibration are fairly uncommon in the clutch because of the products on the market is well built to a general degree. However, you should contact us when you feel, hear, or smell a problem with your clutch. The smell of a bad clutch tends to be a more pungent burning smell with a grinding noise.
Another problem that occurs that can be avoided is when a person constantly brakes while their foot is on the clutch. This will wear out the clutch if not more parts in the system and affect how the car runs.

Is a Full Clutch Better than Half a Clutch
Half clutch and full clutch refer to halfway engaging the clutch versus the full pressing down respectively. As mentioned, a half clutch can be used when driving or getting off a hill but should be done sparingly if at all. With a full clutch, however, you change the clutch and are either able to shift gears effectively and not put near as much strain on the system. While you may feel a smoother drive and have the capacity to idle down the street at a low gear with half clutch, it should not be considered due to the strain it puts on the clutch. When you use the latter in this case as mentioned, you will eventually see a mechanic for clutch repair than you would when going full clutch.
Call __PHONE__ today for clutch repair and replacement by L.A. NTX Transmissions in Inglewood, CA.